DIHC & STP Information
Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust
Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust is the first of its kind in the country; integrating primary care across Dudley with community physical and mental health services. This organisation will have responsibility for the health and wellbeing of the whole population of Dudley, working to an outcomes based contract to delivery its revolutionary services.
If you're interested in learning more, please click here

General References
The King's Fund Priorities for the NHS and social care in 2017
BMJ Editorial - Continuity of primary care matters and should be protected Feb 2017
BMJ Editorial Political Crisis in the NHS, Chris Ham CE Kings Fund Jan 2017
The King's Fund, Ideas that change healthcare: How we can work with you to develop system leadership
The King's Fund, Improving Quality in the English NHS: A strategy for Action Feb 2016
The King's Fund, Making our health care systems fit for an ageing population
The Black Country STP
The Black Country Footprint STP (Nov 2016) can be accessed via the Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG website or via the links below;
The Black Country STP - Stakeholder letter
The Black Country Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) Full Nov 2016
The Black Country Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) Summary Nov 2016